Introducing Microsolder and training courses for IPC standards
Microsolder is a trade company established in 1994. We have met many-many industrial problems in electronics industries what we serve. Our main field is printed circuit board assembly and soldering. As a soldering expert we have been providing different level of soldering trainings since 1998. We have recognized that process engineers, quality engineers have often problems to evaluate the process results, to decide if the assembly is acceptable, how to rework it providing reliable product, an so on. That is why we started with IPC standard training courses in 2006. All of the courses are available at our training room or on site of the customers in Hungarian or in English. We also use our wide process experience in these trainings. The IPC standards cover the whole production chain from design a PCB up to completed assembly. The standards are also available from us. Beside Hungary we are ready to hold training courses abroad. We had several courses in Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine, but a few also in Romania, Bulgaria, Czech, Poland, Slovakia. Some Hungarian engineers working in Germany, Austria or UK attend Hungarian language IPC courses in Hungary.
Microsolder as a Licensed IPC Training and Certification Center
Microsolder one of the more than 120 licensed IPC training centers in the world. We have master trainers (MIT) to train IPC-A-610, A-620, and 7711/7721 trainers (CIT) for our customers. Training centers provide the level 1 support to the certified trainers.
Apart from trainer training courses we offer wide range of IPC specialist (CIS) training courses like IPC-A-610, A-620, A-600, 6012, 7711/7721, and J-STD-001.
New methods in renewing IPC certifications
As of Jan. 1, 2020, extensions will no longer be applied to certificates. Certificants may now recertify up to 6 months early and will receive an expiration date that is two years greater than the previous date. Recertifications that are achieved after the expiration date will receive a new expiration date.
Trainings providing internationally recognized IPC certifications are available in English and Hungarian. IPC-A-610, IPC/WHMA-A-620 and IPC-7711/7721 CIT or CIS, IPC-A-600, IPC-6012 and IPC-J-STD-001 CIS trainings organized regularly at Microsolder training room or can be arranged at customers site.
All IPC standards and publications can be bought at Microsolder. The most popular ones are available in stock. Please, be informed on the new releases. Do not miss them.
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